Lo interdisciplinario en la audiencia de los adolescentes en la justicia juvenil.
Lo interdisciplinario en la audiencia de los adolescentes en la justicia juvenil. Posibilidades y perspectivas de perfeccionamiento institucional Interdisciplinarity in child’s hearing in juvenile justice. Possibilities and prospects for institutional development L’interdisciplinarité dans l’audition des adolescents dans la justice juvénile. Possibilités et perspectives de développement institutionnel Disertantes: -Claudia Maria Canaza Jorges, Jueza del Juzgado Público […]
AIMJF European Section meeting during the German prevention congress in Hanover, Germany, on October the 4th 2022
The main topic of the 27th German Prevention Congress is: Children at the heart of prevention The 27th German Prevention Congress wants to examine what and how more can be done for children in the field of prevention. The Corona pandemic highlights current challenges especially in the field of education and digitalisation, which particularly affect […]
World Congress on Justice With Children
The World Congress on Justice With Children is an international milestone that gathers children alongside policymakers, legal practitioners, academics, and civil society representatives with relevant work experience to influence Child Justice, explore best practices, foster scientific cooperation, and raise awareness on child-friendly justice. Over one week, we aim to place children’s rights at the top […]
Adolescentes con trastornos mentales y en conflicto grave con la ley: análisis comparativo del régimen jurídico y de las medias aplicables en Latinoamérica
Adolescentes con trastornos mentales y en conflicto grave con la ley: análisis comparativo del régimen jurídico y de las medias aplicables en Latinoamérica Youth with mental disorder and in conflict with the law: comparative analysis of legal systems and the applicable measures in Latin America
Webinar Restorative (juvenile) justice: international comparative trends.
Marta Pascual: moderator – AIMJF´s President, Judge in Argentina Professor Mara Schiff – Associate Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida Atlantic University, Vice-President of the National Association for Community and Restorative Justice (NACRJ) Professor Ivo Aertsen – Senior Lecturer in the Leuven Institute of Criminology (LINC), Belgium. Editor-in-chief of the […]
WORLD SOCIAL FORUM 2021 Children´s rights…
WORLD SOCIAL FORUM 2021 Children´s rights and child-friendly justice Children´s rights and child-friendly justice: an issue of social justice and democracy Speakers– Renate Winter | Committee on the Rights of the Child Ton Liefaard | Professor of Children’sRights- Leiden University. The Netherlands– Jean Trépanier | Emeritus Professor. Montreal University. Canada.– Marta Pascual | President AIMJF […]
Community Justice and Children’s Rights: Comparative Approaches
Community Justice and Children’s Rights: Comparative Approaches Speakers:– Reine Alapini-Gansou | Judge of the International Criminal Court– Hynd Ayoubi Idrissi | Member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child; andMember of the Superior Council of the Judiciary in Morocco, Doctor in Human Rights– Sébastien Grammond | Judge at the Federal Court of CanadaModerator:– Jean […]
The judicial guarantee of social rights of children and adolescents and the structural civil process: a Latin American comparative perspective.
The judicial guarantee of social rights of children and adolescents and the structural civil process: a Latin American comparative perspective. Speakers:– Sergio Arenhart Professor of the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. Regional Prosecutor of theRepublic. Magister, doctor and post-doctor in Law– Alvaro Perez Ragone Magister and Doctor in Law (U. de Cologne/Germany), Postdoctor (U.dee Freiburg and Heidelberg-Germany) […]
Restorative (juvenile) justice: international comparative trends.
Restorative (juvenile) justice: international comparative trends. Speakers:– Professor Mara Schiff | Associate Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justiceat Florida Atlantic University, Vice-President of the National Association for Community andRestorative Justice (NACRJ) Professor– Ivo Aertsen | Senior Lecturer in the Leuven Institute of Criminology (LINC), Belgium. Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Restorative […]
World Congress on Justice for Children 2018
NEWSLETTER III2018 WORLD CONGRESS ON JUSTICE FOR CHILDRENUNESCO House – Paris28-30 MAY 2018 www.j4c2018.org Les informations contenues dans ce bulletin sont disponibles en français sur le site web du congrès. La información de este boletín se puede encontrar en castellano en la página web del congreso. 1. WORLD CONGRESS UPDATE In two weeks will take place […]